Friday, August 1, 2008

Jul 30, 31, August 1: And now we separate

Well, a quick update from me while I wait for the ferry to Newfoundland.

On the evening of July 29 I had a fabulous evening camping on the beach in North Shore with Anna, Jay, Nathan and Natalie who were enjoying their last evening of a trip around the Cabot Trail. It was really fun to hang out with them and see them off the next morning on their return to Lunenburg, and I hope to catch up with at least Anna and Jay in Lunenburg in August or thereafter. Thanks again guys! And thanks to Paul at the pottery shop and Bill and Penela who graciously let us camp on their property down on the water. It was a simply beautiful spot, we saw whales (we think) and tons of seals and seabirds all evening off the beach.

July 30 all 5 of us rode down across the Englishtown ferry and went our separate ways once we hit the Trans-Canada highway again: I headed east to Jan and Alan's at Big Bras d'Or and they headed south towards Baddeck where their vehicle was parked, for the drive back home for them. I was sad to leave them, despite having only known them a day! After arriving at Jan and Alan's and reuniting with everyone, in the afternoon I had the pleasure of meeting the great Bobby Nagel (Alan's neighbour) and going with him, Alan, and Mary into Baddeck where we visited the Alexander Graham Bell museum. That evening the twins Lynne and Louise came over along with Bobby and we had a great feast.

July 31 was a day off (thank goodness) at the cabin, which we filled by going on a lovely hike to the Lighthouse trail along the coast starting across the harbour from the fortress at Louisbourg. It really was a spectacular hike and featured true Atlantic coast, sun and a bit of fog and picking bake-apples and other berries. That evening featured yet another feast featuring PEI mussels at Bobby Nagel's house, again with the twins visiting.

Aug 1: Today I am in North Sydney waiting for the ferry to Argentia, Newfoundland! Very exciting to be hitting the tenth province!! (well, I won't arrive until tomorrow). Sadly however the triumvirate is broken: Mike and Mary will be heading to Port-aux-Basques to cycle all of Newfoundland and perhaps go up to the northern tip, so they will be on the Rock for much longer than I will. I am not going to cycle all of Newfoundland so that I have time to go down to Halifax to meet Cathy. So leaving Alan and Jan's this morning was quite weird, as I was by myself for good once I left their driveway...

So, as for my future plans for the rest of the trip, I will probably be taking the ferry back from NL on the 9th, so I will just be cycling to St John's, staying there for a few days, and then returning (taking a different route) to Argentia for the return ferry to North Sydney. From there I'll have 6 days or so to bike to Halifax where I'll be meeting Cathy who will be arriving on the morning of the 17th. (I plan on taking the eastern shore route down the coast through Sherbrooke to Halifax). We'll be holidaying in Halifax and area and then PEI for two weeks and then I plan on either taking the train or flying back home on or around August 31st, which is when Cathy leaves.

So from now on if you need to get a hold of me email is the only option, and of course my access will be sporadic (as usual)... hopefully my next post will be from MILE ZERO in St John's NL!!

Ciao for now,


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